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Cozmat presents Niaouli, Essential Oil. Part of the Tea Tree family, you will find an aroma resemblance with Cajeput Oil. Steam distilled from the leaves & twigs from the Niaouli tree, you achieve a sweet aroma. With a cineol content of approx. 50 - 80%, this oil makes a great addition to skin healing creams, burn remedies, insect bite formulations. It carries antiseptic properties that can help prevent infection & bacteria growth. It is also a super oil to blend with others such as Lavender & or anything citrussy.

Melaleuca Viridiflora Leaf Oil

Cozmat can confirm Niaouli, Essential Oil is produced via steam distillation.

Cozmat can confirm Niaouli, Essential Oil origin is Madagascar or Indonesia.



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A cineol content of 50 - 80%.
An antiseptic oil so works well in burn remedies, insect bites lotions. Aids in preventing infection & bacteria growth.
A super oil to blend with others such as Lavender or anything citrussy.

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